Code de la route

Permis de conduire suspendu ou révoqué?

points inaptitude

Driving license suspended or revoked?

Don’t stay on foot, we can help you

If your license was suspended or revoked because you accumulated the maximum number of demerit points on your record or your license was revoked following a driving prohibition order because you were found guilty of impaired driving weakened , a request for a restricted license could see you back on the road.

demerit points

What is a Restricted License?

There are two types of restricted license. Thus, an application for a restricted license may be submitted by the driver:

  1. who has had his license suspended or revoked following the accumulation of demerit points on his file, or
  2. who has been found guilty of driving while impaired by alcohol (This is not a restricted license. This is a possibility of driving with a breathalyzer device.)

What is the procedure for obtaining a restricted licence?

The procedure differs depending on whether your right to drive was lost due to the accumulation of demerit points or by conviction for impaired driving.

A driver who has lost his license for the first time in the last two years, due to the accumulation of demerit points, can submit a request for a restricted license to the Court of Québec.

breathalyzer test

This driver must demonstrate to the Court the need to drive a vehicle in the exercise of his main work which ensures his subsistence.

Of course, if the judge authorizes the issuance of the restricted license, it allows the holder to drive only within the framework of his work, and this, for a period of 3 months.

The procedure differs for the driver who has been found guilty of impaired driving. He must have an alcohol detection device installed in his vehicle.

This immobilizer prevents the vehicle from starting if it detects the presence of alcohol in the driver.

He will also have to follow the alcohol detection device program offered by the SAQ for a period of 3, 6 or 12 months depending on the state of his driving record.

Can all drivers apply for a restricted licence?

No, the holder of a learner’s license cannot apply for a restricted licence.

What can happen to me if I drive while my license is suspended or revoked?

Driving while you have lost your license and do not hold a restricted license involves serious risks.

First, if the police intercept you without a valid licence, they can confiscate your vehicle, even if the vehicle does not belong to you.

In addition, if you drive without a valid license, you are committing an offense under the Highway Safety Code , which entails the payment of a fine of $1,500 to $3,000 according to the provisions of section 144. C.SRQ _

Finally, it is important to note that if you drive while you have a driving prohibition order issued against you, you are committing a crime punishable under the provisions of the Criminal Code .

So avoid getting into trouble. Contact us to begin the process of obtaining a restricted license.

Our lawyers will guide you through this process and you will be on the road quickly! Hurry up because you have to allow 10 days for notification.

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